Explanations about orders

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Number of workers

The more you have of workers, the more you can produce, it is mathematical! Things being what they are, every machine has a maximal capacity. You can discover in the section " Typical Machine " that every machine works at top full capacity with a fixed number of workers. To go beyond this number will change nothing your production capacity.

Workers unit salary

Pay your workers not enough and they will not be interested in their work. They will have the annoying tendency to think to something than make your products. Do not wonder if at the end of your turn, you did not produce all that you wished. But attention in not to pay them not too much, because you could lose some money in front of your competitors. The salary impacts directly their morale, and a too weak morale could give them the idea to strike. An advice: watch the smiley representing their morale:
Real good Average Bad

Workers training budget

The training of the workers influences the quality of the products which they make. The more they will be formed, the more they will know the machine on which they work and thus more they will make of the good job. Pay attention because the market is very attentive to the quality of products, and be sure that the buyers will rush on your products if the quality is for the meeting. Remark: the invested sum is divided by the number of worker. Thus watch that it is not too weak. A last point: certain evolved machines: type 2 and 3 for example, ask skilled workers to put on them. If it is not the case, your machine will produce nothing until your workers reached the good level of training.

Machine type

Simuland's supplier has a choice of 3 machine types, you can buy one whenever you want (if you have enough money of course). His catalog gives the following data :

Machine Type 1Type 2Type 3
Production capacity 2005002,500
Cost price $50,000 $$200,000 $$1,000,000 $
Wear per turn of full usage 1 %2 %3 %
Max workers 203040
Minimum training required 10 %50 %70 %

Each has advantages and drawbacks. To you to choose according to your budget. Our supplier is anxious to remind that to use a machine, a worker must be enough formed! On the other hand, he would not know how to be considered as person in charge in the event of an accident or of the excessive wear of the machine in case of misuse.

Quantity to produce

The strategy of your company bases strongly on the quantities produced in every turn. To you to see, if you prefer to sell little and to centre your strategy on quality products, or on the contrary to produce in great quantities but with a lesser quality. Verify regularly the demand of the market to adjust this datum. And to face the chances of the demand, plan a space of sufficient storage.

Product price

A too expensive sold product will not find easily buyer and risks to finish quite straight ahead in your stocks. The problem being that your stocks cost you some money to every turn... However, do not dispose either of your products, you would risk not to go into your capital at the end of the turn.

Ad budget

The competition is rough on Simuland, and you have to be knowned of the general public if you want to see your sales unsticking. For that purpose, you have to make know your products to your customers. The pubblicité will allow you to target new customers and new markets. Beams specialized shops will be full of your products, that is, but still it needs that they are placed well in beams so that the customers silk. Between two identical products, if there is one that the customers know and the other which they have never heard, their choice will be fast made.

R&D budget

The Research and Development allow to differ from his competitors. If you do not invest in the R&D, maybe that you can hold some turns. But after a while, the buyers will prefer to turn to other products more " high tech " than yours, and you would then risk to put the key under the door.

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