Ranking dos jogadores

Please find below the classification of the company managers who reign in boss over Simuland.net. Everything is taken into account from the quality of your products, in the treatment of your workers by way of your turnover.

If you want to compete with them, don't wait anymore and subscribe !

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Position Player Nível Number of played parts Pontos
1 Chrismic 2,340 71,901 pts
2 Abidjan 2,017 55,513 pts
3 gomina 1,368 21,191 pts
4 lemajicien 932 16,937 pts
5 Ofrank 1,435 16,410 pts
6 zykou 1,546 16,066 pts
7 romulegolfeur 620 16,019 pts
8 Fred78 597 15,135 pts
9 nononono 707 14,326 pts
10 JoeKila 417 11,091 pts
11 Romain13 525 11,031 pts
12 fullas 289 9,295 pts
13 CRAB 476 8,346 pts
14 Kiriku 452 8,165 pts
15 lexwin 429 8,080 pts
16 Titof 204 7,289 pts
17 XxprodujeuxX 333 7,118 pts
18 SimuPhil 519 6,188 pts
19 myrmi 264 6,093 pts
20 Raoh59 150 5,801 pts
21 lubo 285 5,572 pts
22 xavierrr 251 5,548 pts
23 abdoulazizmamane555 415 5,474 pts
24 k.raffas 466 5,453 pts
25 JEBS 529 4,709 pts
26 samdeuxm 143 3,797 pts
27 auroremariah 392 3,675 pts
28 Pansky 257 3,652 pts
29 Louval 189 3,510 pts
30 Elmaestro 155 3,336 pts
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