Ranking dos jogadores

Please find below the classification of the company managers who reign in boss over Simuland.net. Everything is taken into account from the quality of your products, in the treatment of your workers by way of your turnover.

If you want to compete with them, don't wait anymore and subscribe !

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Position Player Nível Number of played parts Pontos
390 l.dorget 28 243 pts
neo72 20 243 pts
Amandine2869 18 243 pts
Kastrox 18 243 pts
Jarod Parker 16 243 pts
395 remi 65 242 pts
Boina 43 242 pts
Romain. 30 242 pts
s.legall 27 242 pts
alexcscm 23 242 pts
MauriceBelay 11 242 pts
401 Raylla 57 241 pts
l-olivier 36 241 pts
daiki 28 241 pts
Tidjeen 27 241 pts
Miliardo 14 241 pts
406 Joanito 46 240 pts
cimballi 33 240 pts
eloy83000 30 240 pts
squallus 30 240 pts
Alex67 19 240 pts
D-heat 19 240 pts
412 thotho 42 239 pts
rekop 32 239 pts
sk2y 25 239 pts
jlmbk 24 239 pts
416 chocobongo 62 238 pts
romainjire 49 238 pts
nourdjoulebg 24 238 pts
419 Marteau piqueur 49 237 pts
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